
What’s Up With The Jiggle Physics In Stellar Blade?

Feels like I should be playing this in an Incognito browser.


  • Eve’s portrayal in Stellar Blade has sparked controversy due to the game’s “male gaze-ification” of her character.
  • Shift Up has emphasized Eve’s physical appearance over her character development, raising concerns about outdated tropes.
  • Players and critics are questioning the treatment of Eve in Stellar Blade, prompting a closer examination of the game’s portrayal.

Stellar Blade is a pretty solid action game, however, the way it treats its main character, Eve, feels a little outdated. The game’s developer, Shift Up, has made it clear that Eve is a body first and a character second.

RELATED: Stellar Blade Doesn’t Feel Good To Play

Eve’s portrayal has caused a lot of people to examine Stellar Blade’s “male gaze-ification” of Eve with a more critical lens. If you’re having trouble understanding why Eve is so controversial, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Class is now in session.

stellar blade box art

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