
Skyrim PS5 Best Mods


  • NPC Enhancing Mod boosts all NPCs & followers. Adds Perks, Spells, & Gear, enhancing diversity & usefulness.
  • Fully Swapped Armors Mod upgrades original armor sets, but requires alternative armors via the Creation Club. Enhances armor stats seamlessly.
  • Julihah’s Texture Pack II alters farmhouses & village houses, creating region-specific immersive variation.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has provided years of gaming magic. Its anniversary edition on PS5 marked 10 years of journeying through the vast, rich, adventurous land of Tamriel. Since then, players have taken the game to the next level by enriching their experience through mods. These mods, which have grown more advanced throughout the years, offer everything from smoother character movement to more advanced spells and even all-new content for the game.

PlayStation 5 players, keep scrolling to dive into not only the best, but the most ambitious and worthwhile mods the game has to offer. Though they largely aren’t exclusive to the system, they’re all compatible and are sure to enhance your experience on Sony’s console. As a side note before getting started, it is recommended that you start a new game on the Anniversary Edition when using mods.

Updated by Nathan Round on March 20, 2024: We have updated this list to include additional Skyrim mods, along with introducing additional links to both the mods mentioned in this list and other related Skyrim guides and lists.

18 NPC Perks, Spells, Enchanted Gear, Followers

NPC Enhancing Mod By Cristobot

  • PlayStation exclusive mod that aims to buff all NPCs and followers
  • Introduces Perks, Spells, and upgraded Gear to over 200 NPCs

Everyone has gotten to the point where their NPC followers are almost utterly useless. As the protagonist levels up, they tend to completely outclass their NPC followers, and/or these companions die in a ridiculous manner (like charging into 10 draugrs in a crypt). Players with the NPC Perks, Spells, Enchanted Gear, Followers mod won’t have to worry about this, however.

As the title would suggest, players have access to a plethora of NPCs that can be used as followers when this mod is installed. Most have enchanted gear that they can share and is genuinely useful at high levels. This greatly improves the diversity of followers available to the Dragonborn, and won’t leave players yelling at their television when their companion is set upon by a dragon.

17 Fully Swapped Armors

Amor Stat Altering Mod By Cyan49

Skyrim Player equipped with gear from Fully Swapped Armors Mod by Cyan49

  • Swaps a selection of original armor with alternative armor
  • Requires players to acquire alternative armor via the Creation Club

Do you find that the armor sets in Skyrim are rather bland or weak? Well, the Fully Swapped Armors mod may be just for you. This mod swaps a selection of original armor with alternative armor. The swapped armors have completely replaced stats. At the same time, the pieces retain the same name and are embedded seamlessly into the user’s world.

It’s certainly a simple mod, but it can make a tremendous difference for those players who want to easily boost the usefulness of many of the armors in the game. Unlike many other mods on this list, Fully Swapped Armors requires players to acquire alternative armors via the Creation Club. Before installing this mod, be sure to read the mod description to find out which armors are currently supported.

16 Julihah’s Texture Pack II: Unique Farm Houses

Texture Altering Mod By Julihah

Skyrim Farmhouses in Julihah's Texture Pack II: Unique Farm Houses mod

  • Alters the exterior of inhabited farms and village houses, along with stone borders
  • The changes made to buildings are region-specific, making the world more immersive and realistic

The lack of variety among villages in Skyrim doesn’t only dull the immersion of the world, it can also be incredibly annoying. There is a real lack of diversity, and it is quite frustrating to walk from the potion shop to the general goods store and confidently back to the potion shop (having already forgotten what it looks like) thinking that this is Jarl’s house.

Julihah’s Texture Pack II: Unique Farm Houses completely alters the outside of farmhouses and village houses to switch things up with the various towns across Skyrim. It is environment-specific, which means that, in colder regions such as Winterhold, they are built with stone rather than wood. While the Dragonborn may not be building new cities in Tamriel, this adds a subtle but valuable layer to the immersion of Skyrim.

15 Julihah’s Dungeon Pack I And II

Two Dungeon Overhaul Mods By Julihah

Bright Cave In Skyrim from Julihah's Dungeon Mod I and II

  • Overhauls textures of imperial architecture like dungeon interiors, towers and walls, imperial candles, chandeliers
  • Overhauls textures of the green cave type such as Shadowgreen Cavern, Tolvald’s Cave and Stony Creek Cave

For this entry, we have included two additional mods by Julihah. This is because each contributes to the immersion of the gameplay experience in a similar way. Julihah’s Dungeon Pack I adds new textures to all imperial architecture. This includes dungeon walls, wooden structures, beds, and even candles and chandeliers! It all lends a more realistic, run-down imperial aesthetic to proceedings.


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Julihah’s Dungeon Pack II, however, completely revamps the textures of caves. Typically, all caverns in Skyrim utilize a green rock appearance with little diversity. With this mod, each cave in Skyrim will now look different, with various unique shades, colors, and shadows, helping to make each rocky adventure a brand-new experience for players. This will make finding those pesky Stones of Barenziah much more entertaining.

14 Helgen Rebuilt

Helgen Overhaul Mod By DaedricLordsOfKY

The town of Helgen rebuilt in Skyrim Helgen Rebuilt mod by DaedricLordsOfKY

  • Completely rebuilds Helgen and restores it to its former glory
  • Adds NPCs, crafting stations, followers, soldiers, and much more

The Helgen Rebuilt mod does pretty much exactly what would be expected of it. It completely restores Helgen to its former glory, before the Alduin attack at the beginning of the player’s journey as the Dragonborn. This mod completely reconstructs Helgen from the ground up, making it a great place to visit.

Besides just buildings, the Helgen Rebuilt mod adds NPCs, crafting stations, followers, soldiers, and everything else that a fully-fledged Skyrim town should have. Note that the Helgen escape must have been completed before installing this mod. After that, with this new addition, a whole new section of Skyrim is available to sift through and interact with.

13 The Forbidden Sanctuary Anniversary Edition

New Playable Area Mod By AtskySSSl4Yer

Skyrim a curious structure in the The Forbidden Sanctuary mod by AtskySSSl4Yer

  • Installs the Forbidden Sanctuary, a huge player hub area located near High Hrothgar
  • Offers quests, an armory, hidden artifacts, and massive areas for exploration

Our next list entry is an original Skyrim mod that has been revamped for the anniversary edition of the RPG. The Forbidden Sanctuary mod brings a new area to the base game known as the Forbidden Sanctuary. Acting as a huge player hub, the Forbidden Sanctuary is filled with quests that are perfectly designed and create an incredible atmosphere for the Dragonborn’s rightful home.

Once installed, players will be able to find the Forbidden Sanctuary near High Hrothgar. This new area has everything a player could ever need. There is a huge armory packed with display cases for weapons and armor hoarders, massive open areas for exploration, and hidden artifacts that will provide fans with incredibly powerful spells fit for Tamriel’s savior.

12 Epic Enhanced Console Graphics V5

Graphical Enhancing Mod By ImperialAgent1992

Skyrim river and land in Epic Enhanced Console Graphics Mod by ImperialAgent1992

  • An incredible mod that upgrades the graphic fidelity of Skyrim’s Anniversary Edition
  • Implements color correction, realistic FX, enhanced lighting, and translates seamlessly from PS4 to PS5

When downloading Skyrim’s Anniversary Edition and loading up their new character, many fans were disappointed by the lack of upgrade when it came to the game’s graphic fidelity. Thankfully, talented modders have provided a great mod to solve this: Epic Enhanced Console Graphics V5 – a mod that brings the console version of the game up to PC standards.


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The realism when booting up this mod will be shocking. The trees are replete with new life, fortified castles look more prestigious than ever, and the mountains and overall landscape of Skyrim truly come to life. Don’t be deterred by the fact that this mod was made for the PS4, because it transfers flawlessly to the PS5. Welcome to an entirely new Tamriel, one with enhanced graphics and superb lighting.

11 Phenderix Magic Evolved Reloaded Part 1 and Part 2

Massive Content Update Mod By Phenderix

Phenderix Magic Evolved Reloaded Part 1 and Part 2 - Skyrim mod

  • A sizable additional content update featuring 250+ new spells
  • Includes new spell types, elemental archetypes, summons, weapons, armor, and items, boss encounters, and more

It’s no secret that initially becoming a mage in Skyrim is extremely tempting. It’s slow-going at the start, however, as players are stuck using the same spells for multiple levels until they become powerful enough to use further magic. With the Phenderix Magic Evolved Reloaded Part 1and Part 2 mod players gain access to 250+ spells, with which to decimate foes and aid allies as they see fit.

On top of just overhauling the game with additional spells, Phenderix Magic Evolved Reloaded Part 1 and Part 2 also includes new spell types, new elemental archetypes, along with new summons. This mod also sees the debut of additional weapons, armor, and items, new boss encounters, and many more. This mod is absolutely essential for those looking for additional content for the already massive adventure that is Skyrim – but make sure to install both parts to ensure this mod works correctly.

10 YMD2 Combat Overhaul

Combat Enhancing Mod By Cyan49

Two melee fighters in Skyrim YMD2 Combat Overhaul mod by Cyan49

  • Combat overhaul mod that greatly enhances combat mechanics
  • Introduces sweep attacks, parries, timed blocks, realistic staggering reactions, and much more

It’s no secret that Skyrim does not have the best or most creative combat. It is essentially swing, shoot, or block without much nuance in between. This leaves combat feeling rather bland in the grand scheme of things. However, the YMD2 Combat Overhaul mod aims to completely revamp combat with the addition of new mechanics, each of which adds more depth to combat in general.

The YMD2 Combat Overhaul mod is by far one of the best combat mods created specifically for PlayStation consoles, and it isn’t even close. This mod revamps the whole system through a variety of improvements and additions, such as sweep attacks, parries, timed blocks, realistic staggering reactions, and much more. If you play Skyrim day in and day out, or even once in a blue moon, it is essential to make sure you enjoy the best action Tamriel has to offer by installing this mod.

9 Immersive Movement

Movement Redesign Mod By Zanadaniel

Skyrim Archer In 3rd Person in Immersive Movement mod by Zanadaniel

  • A movement overhaul mod that redesigns character movement to be more authentic and immersive
  • Adjusts movement speed and style based on carried weapons, gear, and actions.

Veteran players will know how unnatural the movement in Skyrim feels. As beloved as the game may be, it’s a little flawed in some areas, and this is one of them. Enter the Immersive Movement mod. This mod, though simple, is rather amazing because it alters the movement of all characters to make them more authentic and realistic. This is done by affecting players’ movement behaviors depending on the weapons and gear they are carrying, on top of the actions they are performing.

Players will feel like a powerful Dragonborn should, regardless of build. Simple robes and clothes will genuinely feel light, heavy armor will make them feel like a true knight, and over-cumbering the player with wasteful materials will be a true challenge. Actions such as casting magic and drawing bows will also affect movement speed. The many battles ahead will immediately begin to feel more authentic with the Immersive Movement mod. Of course, the changes made to the player’s movement will also apply to NPCs as well.

8 Immersive Citizens – AI Overhaul

AI Improving Mod By Arnaud.dorchymont

Immersive Citizens – AI Overhaul PS5 Skyrim mod

  • Overhauls NPC AI to become more immersive and realistic
  • Mainly affects citizens by offering them better schedules, and making them react to changes in the weather, or an individual’s profession and relationships

Skyrim’s AI was in a pretty rough state when the game launched back in 2011, and it hasn’t gotten much better since. NPCs, in particular, are notoriously easy to exploit due to their terrible artificial intelligence. Well, not anymore. Immersive Citizens is an ambitious mod that aims to overhaul the AI of most of the game’s NPCs and make them react to situations in a more realistic manner. This applies both in and out of combat.


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Once you install this mod, you’ll notice that NPCs travel more often than usual, have better schedules, and will behave differently depending on the day of the week. The improved AI also does a better job of reflecting the NPC’s profession, with blacksmiths feeling more distinct than farmers, to name just one example. Just as its title suggests, this mod primarily affects citizens, so don’t expect to see major improvements when it comes to followers. It’s also worth noting that Immersive Citizens may clash with other mods that change the layout of cities and villages. Make sure to check the compatibility page before you install some of the other mods on this list.

7 Fast Alternate Start

Tutorial Skipping Alternative Start Mod By Bellasarius

Fast Alternate Start PS5 Skyrim mod

  • Allows players to jump right into the action by skipping the Helgen tutorial
  • Provides players with the means to start their adventure in a variety of starting locations

Although iconic, Skyrim’s opening section is an absolute slog to play through, especially once you’ve already done it a few times. Unfortunately, Bethesda never added a way to skip the tutorial, but you can still do so thanks to this mod. Fast Alternate Start is pretty much what it says on the tin. The mod allows players to skip the boring stuff and jump straight into the action from the get-go. No more carriage rides. No more Helgen.

Once you install this mod, you’ll be able to create a new character right away and start your adventures in one of several locations scattered throughout Skyrim. If you want to stick to the vanilla experience, you can start at the Guardian Stones near Riverwood and progress normally from there. Alternatively, you can start as an adventurer in a tavern, as a member of one of Skyrim’s many guilds, a vampire, a werewolf, and more. Fast Alternate Start doesn’t feature quite as many options as the PC mod Live Another Life, but will still do a good job of making your next adventure feel fresh and interesting.

6 Obsidian Weathers

Weather Overhaul Mod By Dr. Megaloblast & Arindel

Obsidian Weathers PS5 Skyrim mod

  • An intelligently designed mod featuring 90 new types of weather options
  • Applies rolling fog and atmospheres, immersive lighting overhauls, and more

Obsidian Weathers is the most popular Skyrim weather mod currently available on PS5. The mod features around 90 new types of weather complete with lighting and sound effects. In addition, the mod reworks some of the old weather systems to bring them up to par with the new ones. The reworked storms sound particularly realistic and fittingly ominous. But the best part of the mod is that it makes a lot of the new weather systems and climates exclusive to specific regions to increase immersion.

Obsidian Weathers was designed to be the first and last weather mod you’ll ever need. As such, Obsidian Weathers isn’t compatible with other mods that perform a similar function. You can use certain storm mods with the proper patches, but other weather overhaul mods are not compatible. The good news is that you can use Obsidian Weathers with all interior lighting overhauls since this mod only affects exteriors.

5 Magical College Of Winterhold

Cosmetic Overhaul Mod By Sable17

Magical College Of Winterhold Skyrim PS5 mod

  • A cosmetic overhaul mod that modifies the College of Winterhold
  • Offers new decorations, cleaner quarters, additional crafting stations, storage, and more.

The College of Winterhold is one of the most unique locations in all of Skyrim. However, the place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in ages. Who knew mages were such a bunch of slobs? Don’t worry, though, because the Magical College Of Winterhold mod turns the renowned college into the perfect home for the intrepid mage. Magical College of Winterhold is a very fun mod that improves the famous school of magic in pretty much every way imaginable. We’re talking new decorations, cleaner quarters, additional crafting stations, storage, and more.


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The primary goal of this mod is to make the College of Winterhold feel more magical and less…”Nord.” To that end, the mod author got rid of much of the useless clutter and replaced it with magical decorations, unique books, enchanting stations, and various other knick-knacks. The Archmage’s quarters also received a nice facelift and were redesigned for practicality. If you are thinking about installing this mod, it is recommended that you install Magical College of Winterhold before starting a new game. While it will work with an existing save file, you may end up running into some weird bugs.

4 The Great Cities

City Overhaul Mod By Soldierofwar

The Great Cities PS5 Skyrim mod

  • A great city overhaul mod that modifies locations like Dawnstar, Falkreath, Dragon Bridge, Rorikstead, Morthal, and Winterhold
  • Modifies minor cities by introducing new structures, locations, and decorations, along with making each city bigger and busier

There are plenty of mods out there that overhaul Skyrim’s big cities, but small cities and towns rarely get any love. Luckily, there is one mod out there that overhauls these locations. Somewhat ironically, this mod goes by the name The Great Cities and it’s actually a compilation of several smaller mods, each designed to improve minor cities like Dawnstar or Falkreath. While you can download each of those mods separately, it’s a lot more convenient to just get the entire pack.

In addition to making these locations bigger and busier, The Great Cities also introduces a bit of unique flair to each of them by adding new structures, locations, decorations, and more. Since the mod only uses existing assets from the base game, you can expect all the modifications to be completely lore-friendly. The Great Cities mod only modifies exteriors, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues if you’re running mods that change interiors. However, The Great Cities won’t play well with other mods that modify the same locations, namely, Dawnstar, Falkreath, Dragon Bridge, Rorikstead, Morthal, and Winterhold.

3 Realm Of Lorkhan

A Custom Alternative Start Mod By PossessedLemon

Realm Of Lorkhan - Skyrim mod

  • Replaces Skyrim’s traditional intro by transporting players to the Realm of Lorkhan
  • Offers players the means to customize their characters from the start, along with traveling to different locations

The Realm Of Lorkhan is an excellent mod for those looking to have more control over how they start their Skyrim adventure. With this mod installed, instead of players being greeted by Skyrim’s iconic opening scene, players will be transported to the Realm of Lorkhan to start their journey however they see fit.

Within the Realm of Lorkhan, players will be given the ability to choose which class they wish to play as, along with being given access to 500 Gold to spend on the merchants in Lorkhan. You are also free to travel to a wide variety of different locations, such as the College of Winterhold, the Cyrodiil Border, and the Hall of the Vigilant. As a result, players can have full control over how their journey unfolds, making this mod a must-have for changing the course of Skyrim altogether.

2 H.A.S.T.E

Gameplay & Immersion Improving Mod By DannyQ1988

H.A.S.T.E - Skyrim mod

  • An impressive mod that aims to make Skyrim a more immersive experience
  • Introduces gameplay updates, such as NPC’s ability to report crimes, tweaking the Gold earned via Bounties, changes to sneaking, and more.

Remember the impressive H.A.S.T.E mod created HorribleAndy? Well, now those who own Skyrim on the PlayStation 5 can enjoy this game-enhancing mod. H.A.S.T.E aims to make Skyrim more immersive by introducing several gameplay changes, whilst also simultaneously tackling a few bug fixes as well.

H.A.S.T.E is an all-around great mod for making the Skyrim world feel more realistic and immersive. From taking away an animal’s ability to report crimes to stopping your character from yelling whilst sneaking, there are a plethora of small yet immersive changes this mod makes to enhance the overall Skyrim experience. Be sure to check it out for yourself!

1 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch

An Impressive Patch Update By Arthmoor

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Skyrim mod

  • An essential, unofficial patch fix that is constantly updated to resolve all bugs within the Skyrim Special Edition
  • Includes 100+ bug fixes for gameplay, quest, NPC, and item-related issues in one simple installation

Do you find yourself running into the countless bugs that plague Skyrim still to this day? Well, that’s where the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch comes in. This mod is a comprehensive bug-fix, aiming to resolve any problems with the Skyrim Special Edition, all in one simple installation. The Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch is the number one essential mod, one we highly recommend even if you usually avoid delving into Skyrim mods altogether.

The long line of issues this mod fixes is no short of astonishing. Introducing 100+ resolutions to gameplay, quest, NPC, and item-related bugs, the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch aims to enhance the game beyond the industry standard. The sheer amount of issues resolved in this patch is far too long to list here. However, for those who are interested, the creators have included patch notes within the mod’s description.


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