
Is My Girlfriend a Narcissist? Quiz

Have you ever wondered if the woman you fell for, the one whose charm initially blinded you, might be… different? Not just different, but exhibiting patterns that leave you questioning if she truly loves you or just loves how much you care about her. Maybe she’s left you wondering, “Am I dating a narcissist?”

Dhriti Bhavsar, a renowned relationship counselor and psychologist, knows this dance all too well. She’s seen the heartache, the confusion, the erosion of self-esteem that dating a narcissistic girlfriend can cause. Through this “Is My Girlfriend a Narcissist Quiz,” she offers a tool to help you identify whether or not your girlfriend exhibits narcissistic behavior.

Is your girlfriend self-absorbed, dismissing your needs and emotions? Does she exhibit a superiority complex, subtly (or not so subtly) minimizing your achievements? Does her negativity cast a shadow over your relationship, leaving you drained and questioning your own worth?

Related Quiz: Is my husband a narcissist?

Take a deep breath, trust your intuition, and let’s embark on this journey together

Related Quiz: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Test

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