Health Fitness

How to manage kidney stones

Kidney stones

Patients who get treated for kidney stones by whatever means have almost a 50 per cent chance of recurrence of stones. Hence they need to be on long-term medication for stone prevention, follow preventive methods, assess periodically with a scan and adequate follow up with a urologist.


Blood tests to check infection, uric acid and renal function, is the primary detection method. A basic ultrasound of the abdomen and X-ray also help. PLAIN CT KUB is the ideal choice for confirmation.


Classic presentation of a renal stone is acute flank pain radiating to the groin or scrotum. As the stone descends in the ureter, pain may localise to the abdomen. Renal and ureteral colic are considered as the most severe pain. As the stone approaches the urinary bladder, lower abdominal pain, urinary urgency, frequency, and dysuria are common. The presence of blood in urine, nausea and vomiting can also be present.

(The writer is senior consultant urologist, endourologist and transplant surgeon at VPS Lakeshore, Cochin)

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