
Helldivers 2: Illuminate Faction, Explained

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Helldivers 2 has kept its players hands full between the two competing wars occuring across the galaxy: the Automatons assault on the western front, and the Terminid swarms across the eastern quadrant of the galaxy map. But there’s quite a bit of room left on the galaxy map for a third (or even fourth) faction.


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The Illuminate were a highly advanced alien species that appeared as the third faction in the first Helldivers game, and many players are anticipating their imminent arrival in Helldivers 2 — despite the fact that they were supposedly wiped out sometime between Helldivers 1 and 2. There are several mentions of them within the game already, along with some unexplained phenomena that players have quickly attributed to this faction. We’ll break down who the Illuminate are, what evidence there is pointing toward their existence in Helldivers 2, and what to expect from this faction should they finally make an appearance in the game.

Helldivers 2

February 8, 2024

Arrowhead Game Studios

The Illuminate In Helldivers 1

helldivers 1 illuminate

The first Helldivers game launched with two core factions: the Cyborgs — the creators of the new Automaton faction — and the Terminids. Later on, the Illuminate were introduced as a third faction, and they were widely considered the toughest faction to face on any given mission. The Illuminate themselves are a highly technologically advanced alien species (aquatic in nature), and they call themselves the Squ’ith. This faction was not known for their physically intimidating presence, but instead for their psionic abilities, strong shields and barriers, and teleportation capabilities. With the top-down camera view in the first game, Illuminate snipers were notorious for killing Helldivers from off the screen, as they also specialized in cloaking tech and long-ranged combat.

The Illuminate share similarities with the Covenant from Halo or the Protoss from StarCraft.

By the end of the first game, the Illuminate supposedly signed a treaty, surrending their powerful tech to Super Earth, and they haven’t been heard from since.


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Illuminate “Sightings” In Helldivers 2

helldivers 2 blue laser sightings

There are a few mentions of the Illuminates in Helldivers 2 already. Some instances of NPC chatter, and a blink-and-you-miss-it news scroll you can see while on your Destroyer.

  • The news banner reads: “Rumors of Illuminate sightings are work of Dissidents”
  • You can also overhear NPC chatter referencing the Illuminate, like from your service technician, when referencing one of the other existing factions: “Simplest would be to eradicate ’em, like the Illuminate, but I don’t know.”

Blue Lasers Everywhere

Aside from these ‘official’ mentions of the faction, a growing number of players have encountered unexplained blue laser fire, either targeted toward Terminids, Automatons, or Helldivers themselves. The first few reports were dubious, potentially explained away by a stray Scorcher shot careening across the map, but as more footage was captured, it became clear that these shots can come from multiple angles, with no explainable source (Automaton lasers are red).

In the above video, the lasers seem to come from higher up, potentially from a ship in orbit (or a flying unit of some kind?).

The video below showcases what looks to be boots-on-the-ground weapons fire. Each clip showcases the signature blue laser pattern that doesn’t fit with any Helldiver or Automaton weaponry.

These and many more recorded instances show the clear use of blue laser weaponry, and what’s more interesting, there are instances of this occurring across both warfronts — against the Automatons and against the Terminids. This blue laser fire seems to target enemies as well as Helldivers fairly indiscriminately. Perhaps the Illuminates are observing our tactics for an upcoming invasion force?

Denial From The Higher-Ups

In typical Arrowhead fashion, the CEO has denied the existence of the blue lasers, similar to how he denied the existence of flying Terminids after they were added to the game.

After an image was uploaded showing off both the flying Terminids and the blue lasers, Pilestadt, Arrowhead CEO, had only this to say: “Nooo…..

Is this proof at all that it’s the Illuminate? No. But it does add to a growing body of evidence that a mysterious third faction is in play, though still in a secretive capacity.

Joel, the Helldivers 2 game master, is no doubt preparing for the right time to strike with a new faction, though whether that’s weeks or months away, there’s no way of knowing. As soon as more information becomes available, or new strange occurrences take place that might point toward the aquatic, technological menace that is the Illuminate faction, we’ll be ready with updates.

If you’re interested in learning more about the existing factions in Helldivers 2, check out our complete enemy list, as well as tips and tricks for tackling the Automaton forces.


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