
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Lets You Encounter And Fight False Arisen


  • Dragon’s Dogma 2 players may encounter false Arisens in the game world.
  • Reddit user reports a wild encounter with an actual false Arisen.

We all know who the true Arisen is, and we all know that Vermund’s ruler is an impostor. But did you know that other false Arisens can be found lurking around in Dragon’s Dogma 2? While this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise given the events of the game, players weren’t quite expecting to run into these phonies out in the wild.

If you’re out of the loop, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set in an alternate universe to its predecessor. But, much like the original game, its story is all about your journey as the Arisen; a title that is given to the player by a destructive and violent Dragon. The title of Arisen isn’t just handed out to anybody, though. The Dragon chooses an individual who shows a great amount of courage and strength during the Dragon’s attack.


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As Dragon’s Dogma 2 players will be well aware, there can only be one true Arisen. While there is an impostor on the throne of Vermund, other impostors are discussed throughout the game’s story, but players weren’t quite expecting to run into them on their travels.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Player Battles False Arisen

Over on the Dragon’s Dogma subreddit, Reddit user AspectBetter5360 brought attention to the fact that there appear to be other false Arisens wandering around the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Fellow players were shocked, and rightly so.

“I think I killed an actual false Arisen,” the user said before discussing their wild encounter. “While exploring, I came across a group of four people. Namely a Fighter, Archer, Thief and Mage. Didn’t think much of it at the moment, until we fought an ogre that was roaming the area. After dispatching it, the thief ran up to me and stole something.”

The user went on to explain how the two parties ended up engaging in battle before their pawn shouted, “THEY’RE FALSE ARISEN! ATTACK THE IMPOSTER!” They then realised that it was not just the impostor sitting on the throne who was claiming to be the Arisen, but actual NPCs wandering around the map.

Fellow Dragon’s Dogma 2 players were shocked by the discovery, with one saying, “Wait those guys are imposters? I’ve been seeing them here and there and their dialogue when near me always seemed oddly hostile towards me, but I didn’t want to just kill random people.”

Other players noted that the game actually keeps track of all of the false Arisen that you slay. “If you look in the history > adventure logs in settings, under monster kills at the very bottom, did imposter tick up?” Reddit user zeezaczed questioned, to which the original poster revealed that the number had changed.

So, if you sense false Arisen in your presence, be prepared for battle!


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