• Health Fitness

    Truly cool clothes

    If the heat’s got you this time, here’s some cool news. A new textile made from fabric, plastic and silver nanowires can keep a person up to 16 degrees cooler than silk or other cooling materials. This three-layered textile is designed to stay cool in urban settings by taking advantage…

  • Health Fitness

    The Ayurvedic way to fight fever

    The monsoon is here, and will soon establish itself over most of the country. Unfortunately, so will the usual health issues. Preparation is needed, and ayurveda has your back. Jwaram as elaborated in the Ayurveda Samhitas is one of the most common clinical entities that affects the human population in…

  • Health Fitness

    Product Review – Soft ‘n’ Smooth

    I generally avoid applying foundation. But there are days when you need that extra sheen and smoothness. I found my answer in Rivona’s Bright Pink Cream. It ticked all the right boxes for me with its foundation-like finish and moisturising ability. The lighweight cream has a pleasant aroma, and I…

  • Health Fitness

    Getting a sunny outlook

    Too much of a good thing, anything, hurts. So will sunlight: too much of it and you get sunburn, especially from UV rays. One of the easiest ways to guard the skin’s appearance and health is to apply sunscreen. Even on cloudy days, our skin is susceptible to sunlight which…

  • Health Fitness

    How It Could Benefit Public Health

    From a safety perspective, the combined vaccine was well tolerated. Adverse reactions were similar across the experimental and control groups. The most common side effects included muscle aches, fatigue and pain at the injection site. While the trial results are promising, they are yet to be published in a peer-reviewed…

  • Health Fitness

    Risks, remedies, and skincare tips

    3. Accelerated Aging It’s a known fact that people who spend close to 12 hours in an air-conditioned environment tend to age faster. This is because the lack of moisture in the air can cause the skin to lose its plumpness and elasticity, leading to premature signs of ageing. Wrinkles…

  • Health Fitness

    The fear of falling asleep

    On rare occasions, when you had an early morning flight, you may have wanted to stay awake the whole night than sleep and fear not waking up on time. Well, some are afraid of falling asleep. Sweaty forehead, clammy palms, racing heart— bedtime’s scarier than a trip to the dentist.…

  • Health Fitness

    Product Review – A Sensory Journey

    There’s something about lavender. It invigorates you and instantly transports you mentally to lush fields in the hills. I have always been partial to the scent. It simply uplifts you. So, when I came across Deep Slumber Body Milk and Body Cleanser from The Honest Tree by Boddess, it was…

  • Health Fitness

    Unveiling the magic of red light therapy in skincare

    Potential risks To ensure safe and effective use of LED light therapy, it is important to follow the recommended guidelines for session, duration and frequency. “Overuse may lead to unwanted side effects. While red light therapy offers promising benefits, cautious use and proper supervision are essential to mitigate potential risks,”…