Health Fitness

Ayurveda as heatbuster

How to combat greeshma rithu

EXERCISE: Ayurveda recommends vyayma (physical exercise) as a part of daily regimen .One should exercise according to one’s strength. In greeshma kaala, it is advised to avoid physical exercise. Exposure to sun should also be avoided.

WHAT TO EAT: Sweet (madhuraa rasa), cold(sheeta guna) and liquid(drava) contents should be consumed. Thin gruels prepared from corn, syrups which are sweet in taste, milk, ghee, grapes, coconut water should be included in the diet. Alcoholic drinks are not generally recommended. Spicy, salty, hot and sour ingredients should be used in moderation.

WHAT TO DO: During greeshma rithu, one should try to live in comparatively cooler and watery area with lots of trees around. For city dwellers, the air coolers and air conditioners with indoor plants can artificially create a similar atmosphere.

POSSIBILITY OF DISEASES: The greeshma rithu brings with it possibilities of many diseases too. Dry cough, allergic skin issues, aggravation of conditions like psoriasis, spectrum of fevers especially dengue, viral attacks with thrombocytopaenia (decrease in platelet counts etc) are commonly seen.

WHAT TO DRINK: As we all are aware that hydrating oneself is very important during the greeshma kala, there is treated water that ayurveda recommends to be used as paanajalam(the water boiled with certain powders.)Guluchyathy choornam, drakshathy choornam , shadangam choornam are some of the recommended ones. People in general with acidic, gastric issues can go for guluchyadi paanajalam. Those who feel tired frequently can go for drakshathy paanajala.

Let us utilise the intelligence of our ancient seers to beat the summer heat this season.

The author is a Professor at the Department of Panchakarma, Ashtamgam Ayurveda Medical College, Kerala

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